The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

410 Reading Club presents author

By Nicole West

Domingo Martinez, New York Times bestselling author, will present his memoir, written around the culture of machismo, “The Boy Kings of Texas.”

The presentation, hosted by the 410 Reading Club, is free and open to the public from 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Thursday at Texas A&M University-San Antonio’s Educational and Cultural Arts Center, located at 101 S. Santa Rosa Ave.

A&M-San Antonio’s library and Palo Alto College’s Ozuna Library united to provide a reading club that will focus this fall on modern Mexican Americans in South Texas.

Subject Librarian Jacob Sherman said the club was initiated by Camille Fiorillo, a librarian at Palo Alto College.

“We just decided it would be a good idea to put together a series of programs to host on the South Side,” Sherman said. “Just because there’s a lack of those kinds of programming on the South Side.”

In his memoir, a 2012 National Book Award finalist, Martinez focuses on aggression and anger in the struggle of growing up in Brownsville in the 1980s with an abusive father and a neglectful mother.

Communications Specialist Jillian Reddish said parking options include city parking lots and Market Square plaza.

Downtown parking lot meters are free after 6 p.m.

For more information, contact Jacob Sherman at (210) 784-1506.

About the Author

Nicole West
Nicole West is The Mesquite’s Cultura Editor. Nicole is a communications major with a minor in business. She attended San Antonio College Fall 2012, where she served as a reporter of The Ranger. She is a 2013 participant of the Emmy-award winning Proyecto U broadcast collaborative advised by Communications faculty and KWEX 41/Univision San Antonio, and a 2010 Holmes High School graduate where she was head photographer of her high school yearbook. She recently completed an internship with Gemini Ink, a literary arts center located in San Antonio and is currently interning with San Antonio Magazine. In September 2013, Nicole was selected as an outstanding prospective student for the Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism's Rodgers Fellowship.

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