The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

President, provost attend Board of Regents meeting

Provost Brent Snow shares his feelings about moving to the Central Academic Building and calls the mile drive to the building "the miracle mile" during the Faculty and Staff Convocation Aug. 22. Photo by Monica Lamadrid
Provost Brent Snow will attend the Board of Regents meeting Nov. 5 in College Station, TX. Photo file by Monica Lamadrid

By Emily Rodriguez

President Maria Hernandez Ferrier and Provost Brent Snow are leaving Wednesday morning to attend the quarterly Board of Regents meeting at Texas A&M University-College Station.

Texas A&M-San Antonio does not have any formal items on the agenda.

“This is a pretty quiet Board of Regents meeting for us actually,” Snow said.

Major agenda items include the approval of proposed tuition and fees changes, including the proposed guaranteed tuition and fee rates for the Texas A&M University System. The 2016 fiscal year budget is also up for approval during the meeting.

The guaranteed tuition and fee plan, drafted by university administration, responds to House Bill 29, signed by Gov. Rick Perry in June 2013 to require every public university to offer undergraduate students the option of a four-year, fixed-rate tuition.

This university held public hearings Wednesday to discuss the anticipated tuition and fees for the 2015-2016 fiscal year.

Snow said this will be Ferrier’s last Board of Regents meeting as the president of the university unless her position is not filled by the next meeting on February 12.

On Wednesday, Ferrier will meet with presidents from the other campuses in the A&M System. Snow will meet with other provosts and chief academic officers on Thursday morning before the Board of Regents meeting.

The pair will also attend the Academic and Student Affairs committee meeting.

About the Author

Emily Rodriguez
Emily Rodriguez is a staff writer for The Mesquite. Emily is a communications-journalism major and criminology minor, and received her associate degree in journalism from San Antonio College in December 2013. While at San Antonio college, she served as Managing Editor for the award-winning newspaper The Ranger. She is a 2011 graduate of John Paul Stevens High School where she served in multiple editor positions in the school’s award-winning yearbook and newspape

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