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Album Review: Bad Bunny highlights culture in sophomore album

Album Review: Bad Bunny highlights culture in sophomore album - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Bad Bunny attends the 2018 American Music Awards at the Microsoft Theater on October 9, 2018 in Los Angeles, CA. Photo courtesy by Shutterstock

Puerto Rican artist Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio, also known as Bad Bunny, broke records with his sophomore album release of “YHLQMDLG – Yo Hago Lo Que Me Da La Gana,” which translates to I do what I want.” This album features a set of 20 songs, five more than his first album “X100PRE” from 2018. The new album was released as a surprise to his fans on Feb. 29. 

This second album packs a punch of reggaetón vibes with heavy perreo beats you may hear at traditional marquesinas, known as garage parties in Puerto Rico. He also features songs about falling in love, stages of a breakup, relationships, attraction, fame and having a good time. Besides reggaetón, the album also features appearances of an electric guitar, harp and theme song from the movie “Jaws.”

One of my favorite parts of the album was in “Pero Ya No” when Bad Bunny rapped about not being someone’s Pokémon and them not being able to catch him anymore. 

Bad Bunny is known by his fans as the king of spanish trap.

Since the beginning of his career, Bad Bunny has never been afraid to express himself through music, interviews and social media posts. This is especially apparent through his fashion choices: wearing sparkly jewelry, painted fingernails, glitter suits, bright colors and different pairs of glasses. There’s no doubt he breaks the social norms of masculinity.

Bad Bunny represents not only the LatinX community but also his roots in Puerto Rico. He protested with others for the resignation of former Gov. Ricardo Rossell in San Juan and used his platform during difficult times in Puerto Rico, like when Hurricane Maria hit in Sep. 2017. 

“Safaera” is definitely an anthem for the ladies who just want to dance and party alone at the club, but also be treated with respect. This track is the longest on the album with an estimated time of five minutes. I suggest not listening to this one out loud around your abuelos, grandparents. The album is listed as explicit but this song might be the most extreme, but the beat goes hard and makes you want to move. 

Another one of my favorites is “Yo Perreo Sola,” which translates to “I dance alone”. It features catchy phrases that repeat over and over and the music makes you want to shake your hips. I can relate to this song when I go out to a club or bar with friends. 

Gracias a to’ mis domi y a mi gente en Puerto Rico, cada cosa que logro a ustedes se la dedico,” a lyric from the song “<3” shows his appreciation to Dominicans and “his people” of Puerto Rico. He says his achievements are dedicated to them. 

I appreciate an artist who becomes a worldwide, famous entertainer but never forgets where they come from and always thanks people who supported them before all of the fame. 

I can picture him singing this song “<3” on stage, pouring his heart out, the crowd going crazy then he ends it with a mic drop moment. 

Overall this is my favorite album compared to his first, although “X100PRE” will always be on my music playlist, but “YHLQMDLG” makes me feel some type of way and has been on repeat ever since the release date. 

Album Details:

Label: Rimas Entertainment LLC

Release Date: February 29, 2020

Writer’s Top Five:

Yo Perreo Sola



La Difícil

Pero Ya No

About the Author

Victoria Martinez
Photo Editor
Victoria Martinez is a senior communication major with a minor in sociology at Texas A&M University-San Antonio and photo editor for the Mesquite. Victoria received an associate degree in journalism from Palo Alto College in spring 2017. Her biggest passion is photography and capturing candid moments. Her goals after graduation in spring 2020 is to become a photojournalist and continue her own photography business. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with her boyfriend, watching reality television and going out dancing to latin music.

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