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BESO plans for officer elections, conference in April

The Bilingual Education Student Organization will elect new officers this month, the club discussed at its monthly meeting March 21 in Room 231B of the Science and Technology Building.

Every position from president to banquet organizer is open, and requires a yearlong commitment. The term for the current officers ends this semester.

New officers will start their term this summer and serve until the following spring. Members can nominate someone else or themselves.

“It’s a really fun opportunity; it gives you a lot of leadership and communication skill,” BESO President Alejandra Pena said.

They typically aim for sophomores or juniors to serve as officers, but don’t discourage freshman members from running for officer positions. It is difficult for seniors because they get very busy with school, Pena said.

“I know that a lot of people think of being an officer — it’s overwhelming and it can get discouraging. But trust me, when you have a group of officers like I do … working very cohesive and communicating so much, we can get so many events done,” Pena said. ”Don’t think you are going to do everything by yourself.”

Members also discussed attending the BESO Leadership Institute April 13 in San Antonio. The institute is affiliated with the Texas Association of Bilingual Education conference in the fall.

The event invites BESO organizations from the state to come together and discuss what they are doing on their campuses and get feedback and ideas from other universities. Only eight members per organization can attend. They also encourage students who would like to be future officers to attend the institute.

BESO also had its raffle to choose one officer, along with the president and six members, to attend the institute.

Pena announced the Cesar Chavez March would be 9:30 a.m.-noon March 30 at 1301 Guadalupe St.

The march started with the United Farm Workers founded by Chavez and Dolores Huerta, Pena told the club. It is the largest farm worker union in the U.S. This movement of farm workers organizing for better pay and safer working conditions has continued to grow since 1962.

Pena said it’s unfortunate Huerta’s involvement is often overlooked.

“My issue with this is that usually many tend to forget Dolores Huerta,” Pena said. “She is an amazing woman and she was the one who founded the United Farm Workers with Cesar Chavez.”

BESO also discussed its quesadilla sale, which was scheduled for 11 a.m-4 p.m. March 25 on the Madla sidewalk. They hoped to raise money for their graduates’ banquet, social events and conference trips.

The club will also be active during the summer. During JagX they plan to get a booth and introduce themselves to incoming freshmen.

“We’re active summer, fall and spring,” Pena said.

Member Ivett Salas said she’s had a very good experience in BESO and is happy to be in it.

“We are very close, and it’s cool to have other people that are bilingual, because you feel more culturally bonded,” Salas said.

BESO’s last meeting is 4 p.m April 4 and the group will vote on new officers. The club has not confirmed a meeting location yet.

For more information about BESO, email


About the Author

Aseneth Rosado
Aseneth Rosado is a communications senior at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. She earned her associate degree in liberal arts from San Antonio College. In her free time, she enjoys music, taking pictures, playing the piano and playing with her two dogs. After graduation, Rosado plans on pursuing a career in public relations.

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