The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Jaguars embrace Halloween with crafts

Jaguars embrace Halloween with crafts - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

An employees wears a mask to participate in the Halloween Costume Contest and the Lip Sync Battle at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. This years event will be from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Oct. 31 in the auditorium.

Jaguars get spooky for Halloween with peer leaders

By Alyssa Martinez

Spooky season has arrived at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. Students can celebrate by crafting, playing games and getting acquainted with peer leaders and librarians.

“Crafting with a Peer Leader” is 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Oct. 31 in the lobby of the Central Academic Building.

Activities will include a bean bag toss, cookie decorating and painting pictures, masks or wooden figurines. 

Anyone wearing a costume or face paint such as cat whiskers and a cat nose will receive a gift bag with full-sized candy bars and swag. 

Students can participate in crafts and activities with peer leaders between classes. There will also be some drinks, snacks and music to enjoy. Peer leaders serve as mentors for first-year students.

“The one thing we are trying to do is make sure that students develop relationships with their classmates … and to meet us, too, because we’ll be there playing, coloring and decorating cookies, just so they know that we’re here on campus for them,” said Ayla Rodriguez, peer leader coordinator. 

For more information, visit JagSync at


University library offers students chance to craft, mingle

By Dee García and Jeremy Lozano

Students will create their own Halloween night lights in a space typically reserved for reading and studying.

“Creepy Crafts” is 12:30-1:30 p.m. Oct. 31 in Room 202N of the library in the Central Academic Building.

Students will receive supplies at no charge. The two main materials will be battery-operated tea lights and Ping-Pong balls to create pumpkin faces, jack-o-lanterns, mummies or ghouls. 

Other materials will include markers and glitter glue for participants to create their own designs. Students can take all crafts home with them when completed.

If attendees are done with their craft early, they can make another night light or decorate die cuts of pumpkins and bats. Participants will enjoy candy such as assorted mini-chocolates, suckers and Life Savers.

Although the event is made to have fun, the library staff also wants to get to know students better. That way, if they ever come back, students won’t be nervous to ask questions.

Sarah Timm, Public Services manager, said they hope students will attend and learn there is more to the library than just books.

“We are trying to get people to come to the library because not everyone knows where the library is,” Timm said. “But if we can get students to come see our space by getting you to come make something for fun and for free, maybe if you’re walking through the library you will see that we have a lot of computers and that you should come in here in between classes.”

The event will also help students prepare for upcoming midterms and de-stress, Timm said.

Burnette said the library will host a similar event this year with Christmas cookies, gift tags and cards to decorate. She said the event will be great for students to unwind during finals.

“We did something like that last December before finals week for students to de-stress; it was the same concept but with Christmas designs,” Burnette said. “We had a good amount of people show up,’”

Participants can RSVP to “Creepy Crafts” on Jagsync, but the limit is 25-30.

About the Authors

Dee Garcia
Multimedia Editor
Dee García is a communication junior at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. When not studying for classes, she is the multimedia editor for The Mesquite and DJs at various events. Dee is treasurer of Yoga Mind and enjoys dancing with her friends at Cowboys Dance Hall to relieve stress and have fun. She plans on pursuing video production for news stations.
Jeremy Lozano
Jeremy Lozano is a junior communications major at Texas A&M University-San Antonio with a minor in sociology. Lozano received his associate of liberal arts from Palo Alto College in December 2018. In his free time, he can be found playing different sports for the Diablos OutSports Association including volleyball, dodgeball and kickball. He is an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and educates on sexual health.

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