The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Photo Story: A child adjusts to pandemic life

Photo Story: A child adjusts to pandemic life - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Allison Ramos, 12, plays her favorite game “Roblox” with friends on the phone at home April 24, 2020. While homeschooling because of COVID-19, she still tries to stay connected with friends. Photo by Victoria Martinez

Editor’s note: Photo editor Victoria Martinez documented a day in the life of her little sister during the pandemic.

Allison Ramos tries her best to complete her classwork at home without daily instruction from her teachers. Like other middle school students in San Antonio, Ramos began remote learning March 16 after her school closed because of the coronavirus. 

“Usually, if I don’t understand a question then the teacher could help but not in this case,” Ramos said.

Ramos works on homework from the daily assignment packet assigned by her school at the dinner table. She misses learning and asking questions in a classroom with guidance from her teachers. Photo by Victoria Martinez

While she enjoys being at home, spending more time with family and playing with the family dog, she emphasized how the absence of her friends has affected her. 

“I like being at home all day but sometimes it gets a little boring without my friends,” Ramos said.

Ramos plays fetch with her family dog Tiny in her brother’s room. Tiny has been a part of the family for six years. She enjoys spending more time with Tiny while staying at home. Photo by Victoria Martinez


Ramos eats a plate of chicken nuggets and curly fries for dinner. She loves having meals with her family at the dining room table. Photo by Victoria Martinez

Ramos said she struggles to understand the situation and misses spending time with her friends at school. She tries to stay connected with them through phone calls, texting or playing video games virtually. 

“I felt sad knowing I didn’t give my friends a proper goodbye,” Ramos said.

About the Author

Victoria Martinez
Photo Editor
Victoria Martinez is a senior communication major with a minor in sociology at Texas A&M University-San Antonio and photo editor for the Mesquite. Victoria received an associate degree in journalism from Palo Alto College in spring 2017. Her biggest passion is photography and capturing candid moments. Her goals after graduation in spring 2020 is to become a photojournalist and continue her own photography business. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with her boyfriend, watching reality television and going out dancing to latin music.

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