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Photo Story: Off the clock during COVID-19

Photo Story: Off the clock during COVID-19 - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Medical assistant Yadira Ramos, 42, arrives home from work and greets her daughter Allison, 12, with a hug on April 7, 2020. As a result of COVID-19 and school closures, Ramos became her daughter’s homeschool teacher while on the front line of the pandemic. This photo won the national MOE award for COVID-19: Digital still photography in the small school division. Photo by Victoria Martinez

I cleared out a memory card, grabbed a charged camera battery and waited patiently by the front door. I prepared myself to capture photos of a healthcare worker arriving home to her family after being on the front line of the pandemic. Her name is Yadira Ramos. She is 42 years old and has worked as a medical assistant for 10 years at a pediatric clinic. She is my mother.

Ramos arrives home from work and plays with the family dog Tiny in the living room. Tiny always waits patiently by the door if she hears someone, especially with her family members. Ramos finds lots of joy and excitement always greeted at the door by her. Photo by Victoria Martinez


The family dog Tiny poses for a photo while Ramos and Allison relax in their living room. She’s a Shih Tzu mix and has been a part of the family for six years. Photo by Victoria Martinez


Ramos relaxes on the couch with her youngest daughter Allison after coming home from work. They were watching “Wreck It Ralph” on Disney Plus. Ramos adores spending more time with her two daughters and one son. She has enjoyed watching movies and eating more dinners together as a family the most. Photo by Victoria Martinez


Ramos scrolls through her phone while she lies down after a long day at work on April 21, 2020. In her spare time Ramos enjoys watching videos on YouTube, reading emails and catching up with her mother via Facetime. Photo by Victoria Martinez

I do worry about my mother’s health and well-being. As long as she has been in the healthcare field, I’ve never seen her more stressed, frustrated and sad because of this pandemic. She showed me pictures of herself wearing a face shield, double masks, safety glasses, gloves and medical gown. I was in shock when I saw those photos because that was my first time seeing her wear so much protection. She looked like she was ready for war.

Courtesy photos of Yadira Ramos

I appreciate my mother much more than ever before. As a family we continue to lift up her spirit while she deals with danger at her job. She says faith and family push her through. 

“The pandemic of 2020 can be scary, the unknown can be stressful but we will prevail if we are in this together,” Ramos said. “God bless us all.” 

About the Author

Victoria Martinez
Photo Editor
Victoria Martinez is a senior communication major with a minor in sociology at Texas A&M University-San Antonio and photo editor for the Mesquite. Victoria received an associate degree in journalism from Palo Alto College in spring 2017. Her biggest passion is photography and capturing candid moments. Her goals after graduation in spring 2020 is to become a photojournalist and continue her own photography business. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with her boyfriend, watching reality television and going out dancing to latin music.

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