The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

President, provost to attend Board of Regents meeting

File Photo
Brent Snow, provost and vice president of academic affairs, departed Jan. 29 for a two-day trip to attend the quarterly Board of Regents meeting at Texas A&M-Galveston.” File photo

By Emily Rodriguez

President Maria Hernandez Ferrier and Provost Brent Snow departed today for a two-day trip to attend the quarterly Board of Regents meeting at Texas A&M-Galveston.

Texas A&M-San Antonio does not have any formal agenda items that will be discussed during the board meeting Thursday.

Agenda items range from building name changes and approving the addition of new degree programs.

The full agenda can be accessed here.

Although the university does not have any agenda items, there is still reason for Ferrier and Snow to attend the board meeting.

“We meet together as a system to learn and to run our universities more effectively and better,” Snow said. “It’s really about improving the university and ultimately, one of the things is to set the stage to ask for future funding.”

Snow said that the university would not ask for funding until the budget goes to the board for review later this spring.

The university is currently in the second year of the two-year budget cycle.

A&M-San Antonio will also ask the board for support to build a science and technology building.

The university requested $79 million in tuition revenue bonds for the building and a physical plant during the third special session of the 83rd Texas Legislature, which ended in August 2013, but it was denied.

“Not much will change about our proposal going forward,” Snow said. “We’re hopeful that we can be more successful at convincing our Legislature and others that we need, and could also really use, another building to hold our fast growing campus.”

Both Ferrier and Snow have meetings scheduled for today with other presidents and provosts from The Texas A&M University System and will attend several committee meetings that are not listed on the official agenda.

Snow said the meeting of the provosts will cover A&M System policies, how to improve university function and overall university improvement.

During the May 1 board meeting, Snow said A&M-San Antonio would bring along faculty members that need final approval to be promoted to tenured professors.

The board must approve promotions of faculty.

A live feed of the Board of Regents meeting can be accessed here.

About the Author

Emily Rodriguez
Emily Rodriguez is a staff writer for The Mesquite. Emily is a communications-journalism major and criminology minor, and received her associate degree in journalism from San Antonio College in December 2013. While at San Antonio college, she served as Managing Editor for the award-winning newspaper The Ranger. She is a 2011 graduate of John Paul Stevens High School where she served in multiple editor positions in the school’s award-winning yearbook and newspape

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