- Aggressive Growth
Responding to Change
The Texas A&M University System was created by the Texas Legislature in 1948 to manage the development of a statewide educational, research and service system. A&M-San Antonio, one of Full Story »
This semester, Mesquite reporters examine Texas A&M University- San Antonio’s growth. Located in a historically underdeveloped area, the university and surrounding community now attract major development. An expected 264 percent student enrollment increase by Fall 2020 means the university and South Side need to prepare, and fast.
Our team is analyzing the effects that the infrastructure development of A&M-San Antonio will have on the people, property and wildlife in the surrounding community. We speak with realtors, local business owners, community members, and environmental scientists who help us understand growth on the South Side.
Population growth means the university and South Side have to embrace all the negative and positive repercussions of this aggressive growth. Are we prepared for these changes?