The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

SGA focused on upcoming elections



By James Ratcliff/@JamesR5767

With the 2015 spring semester winding down, the Student Government Association turns their focus towards the future of the organization.

This week, from April 20 to April 23, SGA will hold elections to determine who will represent the student body in the student legislature.

Allison Garcia, the current SGA Chief of Staff, announced her intent to run for student body president. Brian Harrin, currently a student senator, will run as her vice president.

Also running for president and vice president, respectively, are current SGA vice president Sylvia Soto and student senator Jon David Avila.

According to Ruben Medrano, SGA elections manager, the vote will be conducted on the University’s Community page. Students can log into the page with the same credentials as the University computers or on-campus Wi-Fi.

The poll will run until 2 p.m. on April 23. Once the poll closes, Medrano said he is hopeful results can be revealed as soon as the poll closes.

The association will hold their final meeting of the semester at 4 p.m. on April 23 in Room 254 of the Madla Building.

About the Author

James Ratcliff
James Ratcliff is a senior reporter for The Mesquite. James is a communications major and an English minor. He wrote previously for The Pulse at Palo Alto College. He also has experience covering high school football for different publications. In addition to his work, James is an avid gamer and sports fan.

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