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Student literary magazine, “Mosaic,” open to submissions from A&M-San Antonio students until Jan. 24

Student literary magazine, “Mosaic,” open to submissions from A&M-San Antonio students until Jan. 24 - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Cover of the first issue of "Mosaic" magazine. Courtesy of Mosaic's faculty supervising designer Brittany Ham.

Undergraduate students have until 11:59 p.m. Jan. 24 to submit their own poetry, creative, writing or visual artwork for the 2025 issue of a student-driven digital magazine at Texas A&M University-San Antonio

“Mosaic”, whose first issue was published in Spring 2024, is edited and designed by students taking ENGL 3303, a professional editing class. 

The literary magazine will also seek help from volunteers through the Writing Club, said Christen Barron, senior lecturer of English and “Mosaic” faculty supervising editor.

Barron said “Mosaic” allows Southside college students to express themselves in an unprecedented literary format. 

Brittany Ham, lecturer of art and “Mosaic” faculty supervising designer, said the students at A&M-San Antonio deserve a way to showcase their talents on campus and develop the skills needed to submit work to other publications.

“That’s another reason why we went with the student-led magazine,” said Barron. “It goes back to giving students opportunities to get that professional experience, to say, ‘Hey, I’ve edited a magazine before; I designed a magazine.’ Those are really cool experiences that students can then list on their resumes and CVs.”

To submit their work, students should use the QR code on this flyer or click this link for the open call for entry.

“We are looking for anything that celebrates diverse perspectives, experiences and creativity,” Barron said.

Nostalgia and family were two recurring themes within the magazine’s submissions for the spring of 2024.

Barron and Ham said “Mosaic” is implementing a couple of changes in the second issue:

  • The fiction/non-fiction section of the magazine will limit submissions to 850 words, which is roughly three pages per submission. 
  • Students involved in the production of “Mosaic” will not be eligible to submit their work.

108 individual creative works were submitted by students for issue one of the magazine, and 43 of those were chosen for publication.

With the price of printing varying from $5,000 for 600 copies to $2,500 for 500 copies, “Mosaic” is only available digitally but the hope is publish physically, said Ham.

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About the Author

Cody Escobar
Cody Escobar: Cody Escobar is a sophomore majoring in communications at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. Aside from being a full-time student, he works at the Enlace Media Lab at A&M-San Antonio. In his downtime, Cody enjoys editing videos,watching movies, and building mechanical keyboards. After graduation, Cody hopes to pursue a career in video production.

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