The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Video: UPD teach children about bike safety at Summer Bike Rodeo

By Ingrid Wilgen/@ingridwilgen

A small group of children learned about bicycle safety June 12, at the Inaugural Summer Bike Rodeo given on campus. Campus police teamed up with officers from the University of Texas San Antonio, Alamo Colleges and Northside Independent School District  to teach bike skills, safe riding techniques and bicycling laws.



About the Author

Ingrid Wilgen
I have worked a lot of jobs in my life: biscuit and coleslaw maker, waitress, veterinary assistant, medical maintenance technician and soldier. The list goes on. Very few of them became part of my life like journalism. I eat it. I breath it. I roll in it. Then I write. I tell stories through the lens. The more I do the better I get. Two semesters as photo editor for the Ranger, the San Antonio College paper, gives a strong foundation that my experiences as managing editor for The Mesquite will continue to build on. My goal as a communications-journalism major, at Texas A&M University-San Antonio, is to become a great storyteller. Stories are our history. It is what our progeny build their lives on. My journey is clear, keep learning, keep listening, never stop creating.

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