The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio
Missions prepare for World Heritage site visit - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

News Staff

The Mesquite News
Abby Vega
As a young child Abigail was captivated by the impact words can have on a person's life. Her interest in reading and writing soon kick started her journey into the field of Journalism. After completing two years at Texas A&M-San Antonio where her passion has been cultivated and fruitful. She has done several internships around the city. In 2013, her first internship was with Univision where she learned how impacting breaking news could be to an entire newsroom. Later that year, she held a spot with Daytime @ Nine on Channel 29. There she realized that not all news has to be corrupt, but there is room for laughter and fun in front of the camera as well. Abby is currently interning with with Tanji Patton where she is putting her social media knowledge to work. She was the recipient to "Best Profile" Award in her Grammar Class with Dr. Lorraine Pulido. She is also serving as a reporter to the Mesquite TAMUSA's online newspaper working with reporters about stories surrounding the University. Abigail plans to pursue a career in writing to share her story and inspire others to follow their dreams.
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