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The Mesquite News
Rosemary Rodriguez
Throughout my life, I was always told you can be anything you want to be, as long as you set your mind to it. I never understood what that meant. Initially, I wanted to be a nurse, someone who changes lives, like my father. He is a LVN at a hospital. I’ve come to realize that I am terrified of shots and don’t like blood. So, that wasn’t going to work. In high school, I was on the dance team for three years, captain for my sophomore year and colonel in my senior year. I learned confidence, found my voice and learned who I am as an individual. I worked at Radio Disney right after high school, and that’s where I found my passion in communications. I love talking to people, and love the idea of challenging myself everyday. I like communications because the variety and skills the field offers. I am currently working on my bachelor’s degree at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. I want to pursue knowledge in my chosen field, to act on my passion to learn and succeed.
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