The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Career Services moves toward ‘one-stop shop’

Career Services plans to move to Room 211 in January. The office in Room 103 will remain open until the end of the semster. Photo by Monica Lamadrid
Career Services plans to move to Room 211 in January. The office in Room 103 will remain open until the end of the semster. Photo by Monica Lamadrid

Correction: The article below “Career Services moves toward ‘one-stop shop,’”  incorrectly reported the percentage of students who use, or benefit, from the university’s Career Services department. By estimate, the percentage, according to data supplied by Career Services, is much higher. In addition to direct outreach with students, recently provided statistics indicate 440 students who have used Jaguar Jobs specifically to look for jobs; and approximately 700 who have attended Career Services’ career fair and educators fair.  The Mesquite is committed to accuracy in its reporting, and welcomes information about errors or omissions that warrant correction or clarification. 

By Samone Lindsey

Career Services, a program that eases students’ transition from the classroom to the workforce, will relocate in January to Room 211 of the Central Academic Building.

“This move is a positive thing for students,” Career Services Director Annette Wilson said. “It will allow us to work closely with the retention rate of students struggling with a specific class, or classes, for that matter.”

The program will stay in its original location, Room 103 of CAB, until the end of this semester.

Faculty and staff spent most of the summer packing boxes in preparation for the move to the university’s newest academic building, completed in August. This is the program’s second move in less than a year, but staff members say the second relocation will benefit students.  

Student Engagement and Success staff decided to relocate Career Services near testing and tutoring services housed on the second floor.

The “one-stop shop” will allow students who are currently using the services to benefit from disability tutoring and testing services, Jo Anna Franke, assistant vice president for student engagement and success, said.

Wilson said about two percent of the student population uses the program’s services, which include resume building, counseling for choosing a major, job search strategies, pursuing employment and graduate school opportunities.

The initial move was to take place November. Staff postponed the move to avoid the hassle of moving offices with the end of the semester fast approaching. A new location at the start of a new semester seemed the best approach.

A welcoming sign in Room 103 reads, “Career Services is still here to serve you so come on in,” reminds students staff are available through the transition.

But the sign reading that the office “hopes” to move in January, means students will just have to wait and be patient.

For more information, call Career Services at 210-784-1342.

About the Author

Samone Lindsey
Samone is a communications student, athlete, and professional communicator. She understands how to diversify and market her abundance of communication and journalism skills. Samone has four years experience in the field of internal and external communication, public relations and marketing. She treats communication as a performance. It's simple to grasp; if it isn't funny or relevant enough, people lose interest. Samone has a special concentration in personal branding and she believes the road to success is doing; unlike others, who believe it’s all in the try, Samone hates the word try. A native of Houston, Texas she goes after trending topics and is determined to be the best that she can be.

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