By James Grayson
My name is James Grayson and this is my first semester here at Texas A&M-San Antonio.
When I first got out of the military, I was unaware of assistance provided to veterans. For my first column, I wanted to share with you some of the resources and services that helped me transition back into school and answer questions that other veterans in higher education may have.
I was in the Army from 2001 to 2004. It’s taken me awhile to get back into school, but the important thing is I haven’t given up. I am pursuing a BAAS degree with an IT emphasis, and I can tell you that A&M-San Antonio is by far the most veteran friendly university in the city.
There are several organizations in San Antonio; I will focus on a new one each time. Most of the organizations in town are great and provide a lot of resources that veterans should take advantage of.
During my time in San Antonio, I have been involved with several organizations that provide services for veterans. These organizations have inspired me to make it my goal to help other veterans enrolled at this university. Working alongside the Military Community Relations Department, I will continue to offer this column to readers to provide information to veteran students and their family members.
My first recommendation for a veteran organization in San Antonio is Team Red, White, and Blue (RWB). Team RWB’s mission is to enrich the lives of America’s veterans by connecting them to their community through physical and social activity. I have participated in a number of their events, including the second annual San Antonio National Veterans Day 5k and 1 mile run, where we had an amazing turnout of members rocking the “Eagle.” Members from as far as Dallas came down to run with us, and not many people are going to drive five hours to run a short race except the most dedicated runners. We had a surplus of meat donated for our cookout afterwards for everyone participating.
After the success of this event, we’re looking into to other ways to advertise and drum up local support with a proposed Team RWB Riding Club, made up of all members in Team RWB who ride motorcycles. We are still in the initial planning stages of this but it is really exciting.
There are many different facets of Team RWB San Antonio and each differs from the other by providing enrichment on many levels for our members. So if you are looking for a group that is just plain fun to be around and very motivational, then please sign up for Team RWB. It is free and open to veterans and non-veterans alike (you even get a free t-shirt when you enroll).
If you are looking for a group that will help you stay fit with team support, Team RWB is the way to go. Their events consist of running, trail running, biking, swimming and other events to raise awareness for veterans. You can contact Eddie O’Hara at eddie.ohara@teamrwb.org who is the Chapter Captain for San Antonio. Also link up with us on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/TRWBSA/ for information on upcoming events and RWB sponsored functions.