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President Trump: Now What?

President Trump: Now What? - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Nancy Ramirez, a 39 year old volunteer hammers in a vote Trump sign at the Mission Library

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Mesquite is a nonpartisan student news organization. The views expressed within belong solely to the individuals. The Mesquite staff invites all students to visit the newsroom in room 320 of the Central Academic Building to discuss the election, the growth on campus and any other topic.


Against seemingly insurmountable odds, Donald Trump was elected the forty-fifth President of the United States.

Trump’s victory came as a shock to many fooled by both the polling data and the inability to seriously fathom a Trump presidency.

30 hours after the dust had somewhat settled, I sat down with reporter Daniel Serna to talk through this moment in American history.

We discussed the Electoral College, our inability (similar to other media and polls) to find and hear out Trump supporters and how we move forward from this point.

You can read Daniel’s piece on the Electoral College here.

You can find this podcast, and all other Jaguar Student Media podcasts, at

About the Authors

Jerry Quijano
Jerry Quijano's enthusiasm for storytelling earned him a spot to attend the 2016 Podcast Movement in Chicago where he received instruction on crafting audio stories. He was selected as an alternate for NPR's Next Generation public radio training. Jerry envisions working in public radio in a large market and would like to become a producer on WBEZ’s This American Life. He serves as assistant editor of The Mesquite and producer for "Magnified," a podcast production.
Daniel Serna
Daniel E. Serna is a native of San Antonio. Raised on the West Side of San Antonio he graduated from the historical Thomas Jefferson High School. Daniel is a senior at Texas A&M University-San Antonio majoring in the Communication-Media Studies program with a minor in English. One of Daniel’s passions is classic cars. He grew up helping at his father’s auto upholstery shop, Danny’s Classic Upholstery, that specializes in the interior restoration of classic cars.

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