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REVIEW: Raging mosh pits, roaring growls: local bands rock San Antonio

Local deathcore band VICTIMBLAMED thrashes during their debut album release concert Feb. 24. The concert’s lineup had seven other bands from Texas, one from Tennessee and another from Utah.

The smell of cigarettes and cheap booze filled the air of the abandoned dry cleaner building acting as the show’s venue. A few dimmed light bulbs tried their best to illuminate the grungy space, and showgoers wore prime 2007 MySpace-inspired outfits. 

The crowd is a large contributor to how these shows pan out. Anytime they saw an opportunity to crowd surf or sprint across the mosh pit into a group of people they would. In doing so rose the pugnacious energy and heightened each performance. Glancing down at the audience’s Old Skool Vans and Doc Martens stomping the ground as they headbang until they get CTE is an experience you could only find here in San Antonio at a show like this.

The abandoned San Pedro Avenue building held a crowd of roughly 200 to 300, as bands performed only three feet away and level to the punk enthusiasts. Highlights from the five-hour concert include electric performances from groups VICTIMBLAMED, DogMad and Law of Inertia.

VICTIMBLAMED feeds off crowd’s chaotic energy

VICTIMBLAMED, a new deathcore-inspired rock band, has been blowing up fast in the past six months. According to Spotify, the group has over 2,000 monthly listeners based mostly out of San Antonio and a solid fanbase of over 100 monthly listeners from Los Angeles. Vocalist Cory Monroe attacks the mic with brutal force on every track and can be largely attributed to the group’s growing success. There wasn’t a song they played where the death growls grew exhausting or where they weren’t engaging with the crowd. Monroe embraced the hostile energy of the mosh pit as he growled his guts out in the middle of it all.

VICTIMBLAMED’s next performance will be at 6 p.m. March 9 at Che Cafe in San Diego, CA. They will remain in California to perform two more shows March 14 in Los Angeles and March 15 in Long Beach. Flyers for the last two concerts specifically say “DM for addy.” For more information contact them on Instagram @victimblamed.

DogMad rocks vocal versatility

DogMad is a screamo band based in San Antonio. Similarly to VICTIMBLAMED, they’ve been performing for a little less than a year, but that doesn’t stop them from putting on a quality show. Lead vocalist Joseph Giuco is very versatile, seamlessly transitioning from his deep growls to soft singing vocals on songs like “sum of it.” 

DogMad’s next performance will be at 7 p.m. March 17 at Tandem, a coffee shop on Riverside Drive. The event is for all ages, and interested showgoers can check out their Instagram, @dogmadband, for more information.

Law of Inertia goes far on the road and on stage

900 miles of dedication and drive, figuratively and literally, is nothing for the band Law of Inertia who hailed into San Antonio all the way from Tennessee. Lead vocalist/guitarist Hayden shrieks with raw and passionate vocals that could’ve been heard down the block at San Antonio College and the crowd loved it. Their debut album “Rosary PromisesLeadUsToinconsistentdamnations” releases April 20 on all platforms. For more information about upcoming shows, check out their Instagram @_lawofinertia

About the Author

Samuel Rocha
Samuel Rocha is a communications senior at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. Along with volunteering with the Mesquite, Samuel is also a DJ for Enlace Radio and a staff writer for El Espejo Magazine. In his free time, Samuel enjoys thrifting, finding the next best hole-in-the-wall restaurant, and spending time with his family and friends. Samuel hopes to become a full time multimedia journalist for his community here in San Antonio.

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