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Military Communities in Higher Ed - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio
A Series ByMilitary Communities in Higher Ed - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Military Communities in Higher Ed

A Series By The Mesquite News

With over 1,000,000 military-affiliated students using their G.I. benefits to pursue higher education, how does a Military Embracing university meet the needs of this growth?

A Collective Corps is a three-part series on the university’s efforts to accommodate an increasing military-affiliated student population. The Mesquite collaborates with students, staff and Veteran Affairs to shed light on the issues surrounding the military community on campus.  As a branded Military Embracing university, we discuss what students face in the transition to civilian life as well as how the university plays a role in this development.

The first article is about a biology major’s transition from service to the classroom as he learns to embrace the assistance provided by university faculty and Veteran Affairs.

The second article of the series focuses on the university’s efforts to embrace the military culture. We report on a new program that incorporates “Cultural Competency” training designed for faculty to better assist students transitioning to higher education.
The third article sheds light on the difficulties and problems an active duty soldier faces when balancing her responsibilities as a technical sergeant, student and mom.

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