The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Slideshow: Dia de Los Muertos Celebration


The annual Muertos Fest took place this weekend at the historic La Villita in downtown San Antonio. Many locals and tourists gathered to celebrate Dia de Los Muertos, a traditional Mexican holiday to honor those who have passed away.

The event is a two-day festival featuring local art and food vendors, a community altar contest, and musical and dance performances.

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About the Author

Kimberly Rivera
Kimberly Rivera has served as student reporter, photographer and assistant editor for the campus' digital news outlet. Last semester she interviewed Elle Magazine fashion news editor, Naomi Rougeau, to learn how to break into the fashion magazine market. In addition to serving as assistant editor and student, Kimberly works in retail where she uses her organizational and communication skills on a daily basis. Rivera spends her free time discovering new trends across fashion, keeping up with current events, and exploring new places.

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