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Students focus on a different kind of paperwork with Crafty Jaguars and ACM

Students focus on a different kind of paperwork with Crafty Jaguars and ACM - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Brianna Osteguin, President of the Crafty Jaguars, poses with an origami fish and bird during Crafty Jaguars' Origami w/ ACM event on Nov. 14, 2023 in Room 209 of the Classroom Hall. Photo courtesy of Crafty Jaguars

Intrigued stares are seen as attendees walk in and pick sheets of colored paper and handouts with steps on how to make origami shapes like cats, bunnies and fish. As some sit in groups and others sit alone, all of them seem to enjoy themselves as they make origami and mingle at the first Origami W/ACM, hosted by the Crafty Jaguars on Nov. 14 in Room 209 of Classroom Hall.

The event was a collaboration with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter, an organization for students who are interested in technology.

Students were provided with materials such as paper in 14 colors, pencils, tape, scissors, glue, crayons, origami instructions and colored ballpoint pens.

Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding, it is a visual art where anyone can participate as said by Art in Context. It is the art of folding paper to create two or three-dimensional subjects.

A variety of music was played such as hip-hop as students were able to cool down from school and work on a different kind of paperwork.

Five officers from the Crafty Jaguars supervised the event. They answered questions, helped with origami trouble and participated in the event themselves.

Julie Solar, vice president of the Crafty Jaguars, said the event helps students take a break and relax from midterms.

At first students were timid to ask for help or chat. As the room got more crowded and students got comfortable with the ambiance, the room got livelier.

“It’s just something to do to kill time and a great way to meet friends,” said Christy Slape, kinesiology junior and member of the Crafty Jaguars. “I wouldn’t mind seeing more origami events.”

Not all attendees were part of the Crafty Jaguars, but from other organizations as well.

“It’s pretty fun,” said Danielle Bragg, biology senior and a member of ACM. “Although I’m struggling with this guy,” she said chuckling as she held a pink folded paper resembling a bunny.

The sound of laughter and conversations filled the room as students mingled or focused on their crafts.

Some struggled to complete their origami and took more than one try at first, but in the end all of them left with a little craft they made.

“It was a little stressful for me,” said Nevaeh Mendoza, psychology freshman and secretary of the Crafty Jaguars “It took three tries, but I got it on the fourth,” she said as she showed her dragon, sword and lotus flower origami.

Crafty Jaguars are collaborating with other organizations to create fun and relaxing events open for members, students and family members as well.

No money was spent for the event, and all material was from donations and materials that the club already had. Paper used for origami was donated by Human Resources and the Mays Center. All leftover paper is used for future events hosted by the Crafty Jaguars.

Brianna Osteguin, President of the Crafty Jaguars, said she wishes this event will be hosted again in the near future and hopes many more will attend future events.

“The environment is very nice and you get to relax and meet other people. All the people here are regular,” said Savanna Urrutia, community service and philanthropy officer of the Crafty Jaguars. “You get to remember people’s faces and their names, you start building connections, and because crafts are fun.”

For more information about upcoming events contact Osteguin at or visit the club’s jagsync page.

About the Author

Bryan Lopez
Bryan Lopez is a communications junior at Texas A&M University-San Antonio minoring in creative arts and performance studies. When not at school, he is spending time with his family and friends, watching movies, listening to music and playing video games. After graduating, he hopes to pursue a career in photojournalism or media film.

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