The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Too Many Email Accounts? Solutions for Digital Overload

By Steffany Gutierrez
If you are a student, professional or even a technology consumer of the 21st century, then you are probably dealing with the hassles of maintaining multiple email accounts.

Remembering usernames, passwords and even keeping track of many email accounts is frustrating for students, no matter how digitally savvy they may be.

“I sometimes feel like I’m getting and info overload when I check my email accounts after just a couple of days,” education major Aracely Vargas said. For students juggling work and family, the additional responsibility of keeping up with technology can sometimes feel burdensome.

Electronic mail has become a necessary tool. It’s not only a great communication tool, but a preferred means of communication.  Students and teachers communicate through email on a daily – make that an hourly – basis. No one can argue against the ease of instant communication, but are there downsides?

Maybe having too many accounts, students say.

“Including my personal yahoo account I probably have two or three other email accounts to worry about,” says sociology major Yvette De Leon. Multiple personal accounts and required email accounts, if not well maintained, can become difficult to monitor on a regular basis.

“Managing multiple email accounts and constantly checking many accounts can be a hassle. I literally have to write down my user name and passwords for all the accounts just so I can keep up,” said Vargas.

Do you have difficulty remembering all the different usernames and passwords?

“I have my personal account which I check almost daily, but sometimes I’ll even forget the passwords from the other accounts because I don’t use them often,” De Leon said.

Although most usernames are pre assigned (such as jaguar accounts) students can often choose or change their own password. SecurePuter, an online blog on computer security, recommends a creative solution for managing multiple password:  keep one formula for all passwords, but vary them for all accounts. For more information, visit:


Students can take a deep breath of relief because the hassle of maintaining multiple email accounts doesn’t have to be much of a hassle, says University System Analyst Jose Uribes.

“Keep track of email regularly,” Uribes says.  “A lot of students have or will purchase a smart phone which is a good way to track email.”

Uribes recommends students can actually configure jaguar mail settings to forward to their smart phone.  (The Mesquite will show you how to do this in an upcoming video during our April 21 technology issue.)

Managing Multiple Email Accounts | Web Resources:
A good way to manage multiple accounts is to configure your settings to route your mail to one inbox. This site recommends a desktop based web mail client such as Gmail

Although Uribes advised students not to forward their mail to personal accounts because it can often end up in your junk mail, Network Manager Dale Harville recommends that if you decide to forward mail, make sure you “whitelist” (add the email addresses to a list from senders you wish to receive mail from) so that it ensures your email is received.


Jaguar student web mail powered by hot mail can be forwarded to any personal account simply by accessing the settings tab in the account. The email account can even be personalized with a home screen of your choice ranging from a variety of themes such as abstract, cupcakes, nature, etc. Automatic replies, such as “ out of office” messages can also be sent under the options tab of your home screen.

Managing multiple emails accounts does not have to be complicated. The key is finding the right management tools. Constantly checking the email accounts will help decrease the email overload students experience when the accounts are unattended for weeks. Knowing how things work and making better use can turn checking email from a digital nightmare back to a tool that works.

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