The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Toy Story 2 at Mission Marquee Plaza may be cancelled

By Ingrid Wilgen/@i_wilgen

Tomorrow’s free screening of “Toy Story 2” at Mission Marquee Plaza, 3100 Roosevelt Ave.,  may be rescheduled if it rains said Javier Flores, public information officer with the Department for Culture and Creative Development.

The National Weather Service  forecasts a 50 percent chance of rain for Saturday.

Flores asks those planning to attend to check the Get Creative San Antonio site or the Mission Marquee Plaza Facebook page  for any cancellation notices before leaving home.

The City of San Antonio partnered with H-E-B to bring family entertainment to the Mission Marquee Plaza, formerly the Mission Drive-In. They created free events for the spring/summer, which began with the San Antonio Student Film Festival Friday, May 1, 2015.

In tomorrow’s film, “Toy Story 2,” a toy collector steals Woody, and Woody’s friends work to get him back.

The H-E-B Family Film Series started May 9  with another animated story,  “The Book of Life.”

Here’s the rest of the movie schedule:

June 6 – “Annie

June 20 – “Madagascar 3”

July 11 – “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”

July 25 – “Big Hero 6”

Aug. 8 – “Muppets Most Wanted”

Aug. 22 – “Captain America”

Sept. 12 – “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day”

Sept. 26 – “Guardians of the Galaxy”

Screenings take place the second and fourth Saturday from May until Sept. with the exception of June.  Movies begin 15 minutes after dusk.

Flores said attendees are encouraged to bring snacks, blankets and lawn chairs.  He also said food trucks would be on site. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed.

Community sponsors, like H-E-B, typically have giveaways Flores said. At the launch of the H-E-B Family Film Series, popcorn was gifted to attendees.

About the Author

Ingrid Wilgen
I have worked a lot of jobs in my life: biscuit and coleslaw maker, waitress, veterinary assistant, medical maintenance technician and soldier. The list goes on. Very few of them became part of my life like journalism. I eat it. I breath it. I roll in it. Then I write. I tell stories through the lens. The more I do the better I get. Two semesters as photo editor for the Ranger, the San Antonio College paper, gives a strong foundation that my experiences as managing editor for The Mesquite will continue to build on. My goal as a communications-journalism major, at Texas A&M University-San Antonio, is to become a great storyteller. Stories are our history. It is what our progeny build their lives on. My journey is clear, keep learning, keep listening, never stop creating.

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