The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Webinar to address new age strategies for job searching

By Alison Wadley

If you knew that recruiters are reading what you post on social media and those posts could determine what type of job you are offered in the future, what would you do differently?

That question, and others concerning how students use social media, will be addressed during a webcast titled “Social Media: A New Age Strategy for Sourcing & Recruiting Talent.”

The Society for Human Resource Management at Texas A&M University-San Antonio, the College of Business and San Antonio Human Resource Management Association will host the webcast from 7-8 p.m. on Oct. 2 in Room 196 at Brooks City-Base Campus.

Dr. Adrian Guardia, Business Lecturer and faculty advisor for SHRM, said this event is in response to an article published July 16 in Computerworld titled “What IT recruiters know about you–whether you’re looking or not.”

Guardia said this is important for students because it’s a way they can be discovered for future job positions. “We will see this used across the continuum,” he said.

The article, written by Robert L. Mitchell, discusses the way in which an emerging class of search engines has the ability to search and assemble data on individuals from the Web, assemble data into a master profile, and then use it to rate knowledge, skills and interests before delivering the data to recruiters.

Dr. Dennis Elam, associate professor of accounting, was not available for immediate comment but advertised the event on his blog earlier this month stating that the webcast will appeal to other majors.

“While the article was written with technology careers in mind, the use of social media and the use of algorithms will influence sourcing and recruiting talent for occupations in a wide range of sectors,” Elam wrote.

Representatives from Gild, LinkedIn and Red Hat, will discuss strategies for social media sourcing and recruiting.

Charlotte Ann Lucas, managing director and online instigator with NOWCast SA, said they will lend their expertise and host the event with their equipment through Google Hangouts On Air. Lucas said the goal is to create capacity so that the university will have the ability hold other webinars in the future independently.

The representatives from various companies, located on the West Coast, will log into their Google Plus accounts, join the hangout and webcast with interactive video all over the world.

Students and professionals may submit questions to company representatives who will provide responses during the webcast. Questions may be submitted via email to by Tuesday, Oct. 1.

Viewers may submit questions on Twitter and Facebook during the broadcast. Web addresses will be announced at the start of the webcast.

About the Author

Alison Wadley
Alison Wadley is the Multimedia Editor and Contributing Photographer for the Mesquite. She is pursuing a B.A. in communications with photojournalism-business administration emphasis. Alison attended San Antonio College where she served as a reporter and photographer on The Ranger, San Antonio College’s award-winning newspaper. Alison graduated from Carlisle High School in Carlisle, Arkansas. She received her associate's degree in photography in 2010. Her goal is to pursue a career in photojournalism.

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