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Editorial: What’s happening in Palestine and Israel? Here are 9 sources to learn more

The following is a list of firsthand sources, secondhand news sources and instant messaging channels endorsed by The Mesquite for their coverage of the Israel-Hamas war and Palestinian genocide. Firsthand sources are those that are covering the news on the ground and directly experiencing the events. Secondhand sources are sources that are not directly experiencing or impacted by these events but report information from firsthand sources.

Firsthand sources: Palestinian/Israeli journalists and sources

Motaz Azaiza is a Palestinian photographer on the ground in Gaza reporting from his Instagram and Facebook stories. Despite many of his family members being killed and being in danger of physical harm himself, Azaiza continues to share the realities of what’s happening to Palestinians.

Bisan Owda, 25, is a Palestinian filmmaker whose home and equipment was destroyed during the bombings. Owda continues to post and update her followers on the situation in Gaza through her social media accounts. She opens several of her videos by saying “I’m still alive.”

Plestia Alaqad, 22, is a Gazan influencer turned journalist following the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. She updates her followers from the ground and often reports alongside Azaiza. Alaqad’s Instagram bio says “See Gaza through my eyes.”

Haaretz Newspaper is an Israeli-based newspaper published in Hebrew and English. Haaretz has a reliability score of 42.56 and a bias score of -4.56 on the Interactive Media Chart

Secondhand sources/global news outlets

The Guardian is a British daily newspaper that provides live updates on the Israel-Hamas War and has journalists on the scene. The publication has a reliability score of 41.29 and a bias score of -7.96 on the Interactive Media Chart

National Public Radio (NPR) is an American non-profit media organization. “Up First” is a podcast produced by NPR that gives concise updates on world news every morning. The media organization has a reliability score of 43.37 and a bias score of -4.50. 

The Associated Press (AP) is an American-based non-profit news agency. AP News provides live updates on the Israel-Hamas war. The news agency has a reliability score of 46.23 and a bias score of -2.25. 

Telegram sources

Telegram is a free instant messaging service that lets users exchange messages and media files as well as hold voice calls, video calls and livestreams. The mobile messaging software is being used by many in the Gaza Strip to share live updates and photos and videos of events as they unfold. 

Gaza Now and Resistance News Network are two channels on Telegram providing live updates from the ground and the Palestinian humanitarian crisis. Warning: These messaging channels share graphic content. 

Telegram channels:

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