The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Counseling and wellness ready to help students conquer stress

By Janelle Ramon/@JanelleRamon

Stress. It’s on a lot of students’ minds.

For history senior Iliana Reyna, academic stress stems from learning how to manage time spent on projects and essays. The only way to deal with that stress, she says, is to take frequent breaks from school work.

Biology junior Ciara McMurry manages her stress by unplugging, listening to music and staying on a regular sleep schedule.

For some Texas A&M University-San Antonio students, earning a bachelor’s degree also means learning how to manage all the different techniques for handling stress. Recognizing it’s a common battle among undergraduates, the office of student counseling and wellness services at A&M-San Antonio offers services to relieve stress and anxiety.

According to Jolene Des Roches, director of student counseling and wellness services at A&M-San Antonio, the leading cause of mental health issues are caused by stress.

“I would say that mental health is the number one leading cause of students not completing successful semesters,” she said. “One out of 10 students on college campuses, today, suffer from a mental health issue.”

A recent stress management workshop, organized by counseling and wellness services, offered several stress-relieving techniques for students wanting to succeed:

  • Time management such setting a schedule or use a planner;
  • Plenty of sleep. Strive for 7-8 hours a night;
  • Eat a healthy diet. Avoid caffeine as much as possible;
  • Regular physical exercise;
  • Take deep breaths. Deep breathing helps the flow of oxygen into the body;
  • Spend time in nature. Do a two for one and walk at a park;
  • Take time for social activity such as joining a club;
  • Listen to music. Relaxing music or listen to ocean sounds;
  • Spend quality time with pets;
  • Artistic expression such as drawing or painting;
  • Read a novel;
  • Have a hobby;
  • Buy a stress ball;
  • Take time for a spa;
  • Watch a comedy;

Des Roches advises students not to hesitate to come by the office to talk to the staff.

“We have a wide background of experience and specialization within our practitioners,” Des Roches said. “Students are going to find that they are comfortable with one of the staff members.”

Students who want more in-depth information for time management skills can also attend the Jaguar Academic Guide for Success event Feb. 18 at Brooks City-Base Campus.

“I would so highly recommend this workshop to every Texas A&M University student,” said psychology senior Jorge A. Moran. “This is remarkable help to any student and they can get help in the workshop to learn and experience how to manage your time with life, family and school.”

About the Author

Janelle Ramon
Janelle Ramon is a reporter for The Mesquite. Janelle is a communications major and an English minor. She previously wrote for The Pulse at Palo Alto College and for the Highlands High School newspaper. In 2012, The Pulse gave her the opportunity to travel to Washington, D. C. and New York City. Janelle is an avid reader and is pursuing a career as a literary agent.

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