The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Early college high school student injured on campus

Early college high school student injured on campus - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

The alleged incident occurred outside of the Central Academic Building near the entrance to the Game Room and Lounge area on Dec. 5, 2023. Photo by Tim Danger Ramos

A student from S.T.E.M. Early College High School in the Harlandale Independent School District was injured while playing tag on the afternoon of Dec. 5 in the courtyard of the Central Academic Building at Texas A&M University-San Antonio.

EMTs stood nearby with a stretcher as his fellow high school students amassed to make sure he was all right. 

Communication major Fabiola Jiminez was present at the incident and said the high schoolers were playing when one of them slipped and fell. 

After seeing a group form around the student, she decided to check on him herself. The boy said he couldn’t walk.

“He was like ‘Do you know where the nurse is at?’” Jiminez said. “And I thought ‘We don’t have a nurse!’”

After contacting the appropriate help, the ambulance soon arrived. 

Psychology major Taylor Masiatte said the boy told him he fell on his side and felt a pop on his lower back toward his spine.

“They tried to make him stand up and everything and he just couldn’t,” Masiatte said.

The STEM students take a bus from their high school campus to the A&M-San Antonio campus to take college courses as part of a dual credit program. 

A&M-San Antonio Police Sgt Gerry Duran declined to comment because the injured student was a minor.

About the Author

Matthew (Moose) Lopez
Managing Editor
Matthew Lopez is a senior at Texas A&M University-San Antonio majoring in communications. Matthew received his associate degree along with his high school diploma in 2018. In his downtime he likes to go to the gym, watch sports and write poetry. He hopes to have a career in journalism where he can report on anything and everything — as long as he gets to continue writing, that is enough for him.

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