The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Q&A: Prop 12

Proposition 12

“The constitutional amendment providing for the abolition of the office of county treasurer in Galveston County.”

If voters approve Prop 12, the office of county treasurer in Galveston county would be eliminated.



Hank Dugie

County Treasurer

Galveston County 

Q: You’re the county treasurer, but you’re supporting the elimination of your own office, why is that?

A: Right. I ran and was elected on the platform of eliminating the office to save Galveston County taxpayers money. Nine other counties in the state of Texas including Bexar County have already eliminated their elected treasurer position, so there is a precedent across the state where county governments have been successful in downsizing what some and what we think is a wasteful office. The duties of my office will be dispersed to existing departments and they will continue with those duties at no additional cost they will not have to hire any personnel to do the job, they will do them with existing employees, so in Galveston County, our budget office did a fiscal analysis and determined we would save almost $500,000 a year by eliminating my office, so I support it our commissioner supports it, all five members bipartisanly and unanimously support it, county elected officials, local city councils, different private associations are in support of it, so it’s a very popular local issue, but any time you amend the state constitution it takes a statewide vote so that’s why people across Texas have to vote on it.

Q: So this is something the average Texas should care about because it would save taxpayers money, is that correct?

A: Well, it’ll save Galveston County taxpayers money. The average Texan in other counties, I think they should care about it because it’s something we want to do in Galveston County and most people support local control, which is where local citizens get to determine what form of government and what policies are approved. So it won’t affect any other county, it won’t affect any other elected treasurer in the state of Texas, but I think people across the state should support it because it’s something our local citizens and voters want to do.

– This Q&A was edited and condensed. Interview conducted by Alberto Torres and Tim Ramos.



Karrie Crownover

Burnet County Treasurer

President, County Treasurers’ Association of Texas

Q: Why should the average Texan care about this proposition?

A: This proposition affects every Texan, which is why it is on the state constitutional amendment ballot. Voters statewide need to understand the consequences of abolishing an office that was set forth by our forefathers: YOU relinquish your RIGHT to CHOOSE who manages the county’s money. You lose transparency, accountability and separation of powers. You lose the People’s Voice. Abolishing the treasurer’s office would eliminate the separation of powers, and concentrate power over county money solely in the commissioners’ court. Texas law authorizes treasurers to challenge the commissioners’ court if they question the legality and propriety of a payment order. Removing this office eliminates that oversight and separation of powers, to necessary checks and balances. Because they are elected, county treasurers are independent, not beholden to any county official or employee but solely to the voters.

Q: Why does your organization oppose this proposition?

A: County Treasurers’ Association of Texas opposes abolishment of any elected office. No elected official should fear abolition from Commissioners Court. If an elected official is not performing their duties, then we have an election process to remedy the issue. Each office has their governing duties by law that supports a healthy division of power between officials. The office of County Treasurer is a viable office as long as money and finances exist in county government. This amendment would further erode our constitution from its original intent from where our people elect their representation and have separation of duties. By state statutes, County Treasurers are the custodian of county funds. Having an elected County Treasurer allows the people’s voice to be heard.  County Treasurers across the state took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and the State of Texas.

We ask the people to preserve their voice. Vote NO on proposition 12.

– These statements Crownover emailed to The Mesquite have been edited. 

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