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Campus Briefs: Organizations host virtual art show, meetings

Campus Briefs: Organizations host virtual art show, meetings - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Artwork is on display at the Second Annual Jazz Art Show on Feb. 26, 2020 at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. Yodi, St. Mary's educational law student, showcased her artwork in celebration of Black History Month. File Photo by Jessica Lann

CAB hosts first virtual art show

By Karla Monsivais

Students, alumni and community members can submit entries for a virtual Hispanic Art Show until midnight Oct. 3.

Anyone with an approved submission will qualify to win a $50 gift card.

Entrants can submit up to five art pieces to Valeria Rodriguez, Campus Activities Board event coordinator, at

“Faculty and staff are able to enter art pieces for the art show as well — although they may not be eligible to be entered into the gift card raffle. We are trying to keep the raffle within the current student body,” Rodriguez said.

The virtual show will be from noon Oct. 12 to midnight Oct. 16 on the online application “Art Steps.”

The Hispanic Art Show will not only be accepting paintings but also pictures, sketches and sculptures.

Students who RSVP for the event can enter a raffle to win tickets to the Wonder Chamber. To enter, students should take a picture of themselves at the event and post it on social media with the hashtag #TAMUSAHAS. The raffle will close at midnight Oct. 16.

Visitors can create their own avatars and see if someone else is inside the art show gallery at the same time they are, Rodriguez said.

“Expect to see various art pieces that have been contributed by fellow students, alumni or community members of San Antonio, as well as a few pieces that will be loaned to us from the McNay Art Museum,” Rodriguez said.

The virtual show might also display some of the art at Texas A&M University-San Antonio.

Visitors can enjoy royalty free music, something calm for people to enjoy themselves when they are there.

“We are trying to go for an actual museum kind of vibe,” Rodriguez said.

For more information email

Correction: In an earlier version of this story, a source said art pieces loaned by the McNay Art Museum were being shown for the first time. However, the pieces are from collections “Estampas de La Raza” and “Estampas Chicanas”. which has been widely exhibited before. 

MASA to commemorate heritage with mariachi discussion 

By Carissa Vega

The Mexican American Student Association will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at its monthly MASA Monday meeting at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 5 on Zoom.

There will be special guests from the mariachi group Campanas de America to discuss mariachi music, what it’s like to be in a musical group and the history behind mariachi music.

The goal of MASA is to teach Hispanics how they can be successful in their future. The organization is also invested in helping the Latino community on campus as well as in San Antonio.

“Having an organization like MASA is a safe place for students to encourage cultural pride, to raise community awareness, and activism in the community,” said the president of MASA,  Isabella Rodriguez. “The goal we set is to have a safe space for students to express that.”

Active members of MASA have the opportunity to earn a regalia for their hard work and meeting all the requirements of an active member.

For more information, contact Rodriguez at To RSVP for the meeting, visit


Catholic Student Association goes virtual

by Isaac Dobresnski

The Catholic Student Association is planning to host Zoom meetings at 7 p.m. every Tuesday  and at 7:30 p.m. every Thursday.

Currently CSA’s meeting information is pending but will be up and ready soon on JagSync.

“Last year we were meeting in the STEM building, in a classroom, whatever classroom we could get our hands on that semester,” Dalton Mazuca, campus minister of the student-led group, said about changing to online meetings. “Now everything is virtual.”

While the group is primarily Catholic, it is open to all students. To reach a larger audience the content of the meetings is not specifically Catholic material; instead the group talks about developing a relationship with God regardless of their domination. Prayer, community and a life of virtue are the heart of the meetings.

All are welcome to the weekly Zoom meetings. For more information email Mazuca at

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