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Catholic Student Association to host Thanksgiving potluck

Catholic Student Association to host Thanksgiving potluck - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

The Texas A&M University-San Antonio Catholic Student Association will host its Thanksgiving potluck-style meeting before finals to have mental check-ins with members and discuss goals for the spring semester. 

Students, faculty and staff can join the CSA at its mid-semester review meeting from noon-1 p.m. on Nov. 28 in Room 105 of the Science and Technology Building. 

The CSA, which reopened its services to Texas A&M University-San Antonio in August, has been engaging with students and collaborating with other institutions, including the University of Texas at San Antonio. 

We invite everyone, whether they are Christian, Catholic or of no faith at all — and really to have a support system in college,” said Rebecca Villarreal, one of the CSA’s campus ministers. 

Villarreal, one of the campus ministers, said she can share compassion with members as she has been in their shoes as an experienced college student herself

“College is hectic, college is kinda crazy, sometimes scary, all of the above,” Villarreal said. “Me and my coworker have been through college so we know the ins and outs of the mistakes we made.” 

Open to anyone, but specifically Catholics and Christians, the Catholic Student Association has one common mission: create a safe space where students can discuss both theological questions and gain knowledge of their faith with the community.

However, it has been difficult due to the lack of members, Villarreal said. As a result of COVID-19, many students are still learning how to manage their time and simply not knowing the organization exists. 

The CSA encourages students to grow in their faith as they achieve an academic degree. 

“You’re not just studying and your face is not in a book, but you also get to know that other people are also going through the same things you’re going through,” Villarreal said. “So It helps you form a sense of community but even more than community, a sense of belonging and a sense of ‘I am not alone.’So a sense that you are really together and you have a support system that maybe you don’t have at home or with friends and family. 

The association meets in two places in the Science and Technology Building. Regular meetings are on Tuesdays at noon in STEM Room 105. The next one is Nov. 14. The CSA hosts a mass and adoration at noon every first Tuesday of the month in Room 242. The next one is Dec. 5.

The weekly meetings offer students two distinct experiences. Participants can engage in community events, including video games and enjoying the club’s nacho bar. Additionally, the CSA holds small group meetings where students are divided into two groups – men and women – to discuss specific scripture.

The CSA not only welcomes students from diverse religious backgrounds but also encourages the university’s staff to attend and get involved. The association is seeking mentors to support its members. Members aim to expand their community engagement by participating in campus activities and volunteer services.

To attend the Thanksgiving potluck, students can RSVP on JagSync 

For more information on the Catholic Student Association, students contact the group’s Instagram page @jaguarcatholic or  their GroupMe ‘TAMUSA Catholic Student Association.’ 

About the Authors

Jaz Ortiz
Staff Photographer
Jaz Ortiz, a junior majoring in communications at Texas A&M University-San Antonio, originally from El Paso, Texas and has called San Antonio home for the past decade. Currently engaged in improving her photography skills, Jaz is currently contributing to The Mesquite, her university's newspaper. Outside of school, she indulges in exploring new local cuisines, thrift shopping for unique glassware, and cherishing moments with her cat, Prince. After graduation, Jaz aspires to pursue a master's degree in journalism with the ultimate goal of making her mark in pop culture journalism, aspiring to become the next Watchmojo.
Kimberly Aguilar
Kimberly Aguilar is a communications senior at Texas A&M University-San Antonio minoring in sociology. Being influenced by pop culture at a young age, she has always known that her career had to involve the media. She hopes to pursue a career in public relations. When not at school, she enjoys attending concerts, listening to K-pop, and being with family.

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