The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Free shuttle services available for early voters at A&M-SA

Free shuttle services available for early voters at A&M-SA - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Voters exit an early voting poll site at Palo Alto College's Performing Arts Center during the May 2021 General Election. MOVE Texas will be shuttling voters to PAC from Texas A&M University-San Antonio April 23-25 and election day May 6. File photo by Amber Esparza

MOVE Texas is providing free shuttle services to early voters April 24-25 from Texas A&M University-San Antonio to Palo Alto College.

The shuttle service will pick voters up on Jaguar Parkway in front of the Madla Quad and drop them off at Palo Alto College’s Ozuna Library. The shuttles will bring voters back to A&M-San Antonio after they finish voting. 

The free service is scheduled to pick-up and drop-off voters every 30 minutes from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, April 24 and Tuesday, April 25. 

Voters should expect the process to take about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on voting line wait times. Anyone in the community is allowed to use the shuttle service.

“Students, faculty and staff, community members, family and friends are all welcome,” said Dylan Villalon, a Bexar County regional Coordinator with MOVE Texas and communications junior at A&M-SA.

Villalon said the Shuttle to the Polls event is part of an on-going fight for polling locations at the university.

Even after A&M-San Antonio won back its polling location designation for the 2022 midterm elections, the Bexar County Commissioner’s Court did not grant the university an early voting poll site for this year’s municipal elections.

“They seem to leave us off of the list for the smaller elections,” Villalon said.

Villalon said the event is about giving people the chance to vote. He hopes the event can foster a conversation about the need for access to a polling location on-campus.  

Villalon also said MOVE is prepared to offer the shuttle services to Palo Alto College again for Election Day, May 6.

For more information or questions about the shuttle service, email Villalon at

For the latest updates about the MOVE Texas student chapter at A&M-San Antonio, follow them on Instagram.

About the Author

Amber Esparza
Arts, Culture & Entertainment Editor
Amber Esparza is a senior communications major and Managing Editor for The Mesquite at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. Amber joined The Mesquite in spring 2021 as a Photo and Multimedia Editor after transferring from the Alamo Colleges with an associate’s degree in communication. Amber has extensive experience in photography, journalism and radio, television and film. In her spare time, Amber enjoys thrift shopping, doing deep dives on the music she’s listening to and watching movies, TV and YouTube. Amber hopes to build a career that can incorporate all of her passions for media and entertainment.

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