Updated, Aug. 8, 3 p.m.: Harry (Ed) Lee, user services manager with Information Technology Services, said that ITS is in the process of renaming “Jaguar Print.” A new name has not been determined.
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Information technology services (ITS) is in the process of deploying two new management systems to improve print/copy services and update the University’s ID system. Jaguar Pass, a new ID card system and Jaguar Print, a print/copy management system, will both be fully available at the start of the fall term, campus officials said.
“It made sense for us to move in this direction now because it will help us plan for the additional facilities, features and services that come on to the campus,” said Rick Trefzer, assistant vice president for finance and administration.
Students and employees are instructed to pick up their new Jaguar Pass ID card in the welcome center on the first floor of Main Campus Building by the first day of fall classes in order to use printers and copiers or use library services on campus.
The Jaguar Pass
Jaguar Pass is the new ID card for students, faculty and staff. Cards have University ID numbers, a bar code on the front for checking out books in the library, and a card swipe on the back for printing and copying services.
“The old card was strictly a visual ID,” said Ravi Kallianpur, director of information technology services. In the future, the University plans to expand the functionality of the card as the campus grows to include the ability to make purchases at vending machines, the cafeteria and the bookstore.
The card system is provided by The CBORD Group, Inc, a provider of campus and cashless card systems. Trefzer said the cost of implementing the ID card system is $97,651. The project was funded by leftover funds available after the completion of the Main Campus construction project, he added.
Jaguar Print
Jaguar Print is the new print management system that has been installed on all copiers and printers on campus.
This software was deployed on copiers used by faculty and staff on July 25, but the software will not be available in the open access labs for students until the first day of classes, Aug. 29.
“The previous software was not able to accommodate the reporting and the tracking to keep up with the growth of the campus, so we moved to a more enterprise-wide solution,” Trefzer said.
How Jaguar Pass and Jaguar Print work together
Each semester, the Jaguar Pass will be loaded with “250 impressions” for printing and copying purposes. Students can add value to their card online with a credit card at https://tamusa.managemyid.com or with cash at a Jaguar Pass value terminal.
Terminals will be located on the main campus and at Brooks City-Base Campus. Students can check the card’s balance by visiting the website listed above or by swiping the card at any copier.
Jaguar Pass available at welcome center
Jaguar Pass can be obtained at the welcome center located in Room 106 at Main Campus 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday. There is no additional charge for the card and a new photo is not required. Currently, cards cannot be obtained at the Brooks City-Base Campus.
“We should be able to get the card at Brooks. We’re taking time that we don’t have to run over to the Main Campus to get our new cards,” said Emily Rangel, counseling and guidance graduate student. Her classmate Miriam Ramirez agreed, adding, “It’s really inconvenient and we’re on a budget.”
According to Trefzer, the University has plans to install a card printing machine at the Brooks Campus but he does not anticipate that it will be in place before October 1.
For questions about the new Jaguar Pass, students can contact the Welcome Center at 210-784-1300. For additional information, students can also contact ITS Helpdesk at 210-784-HELP(4357) or helpdesk@tamusa.tamus.edu.