The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Middle schooler starts early with college prank

Updated Feb. 10. As originally published, this article contains inaccuracies. Please go here for the corrections.
By Joe Camacho

University Communications released information Wednesday that a 59-year-old male student was sitting on a bench at approximately 1:25 p.m. Jan. 26 when he was struck by a falling object outside the main entrance of Main Campus Building.

According to the incident report taken Jan. 26 by the University Police Department, the student stated “he felt a sting and his ears popped.” He stated that he believed that the object fell from the third floor balcony and that he heard kids laughing and giggling after he was struck.

The student, who University Police Chief John E. Coleman confirmed is blind, said he believed the sounds were coming from above.

Officer Gerardo Duran, who filed the incident report, included that that object was not recovered and that the school bus with students had left the premises before the student was able to contact UPD. San Antonio EMS was dispatched to Room 120, and the student was evaluated and found to have a bump on the head.

University Communications confirmed that a group of students from Eisenhower Middle School were on a recruiting trip at Main Campus Jan. 26. The school group tour was hosted by Enrollment Services, said Marilu Reyna, assistant vice president of University Communications.

Reached Jan. 31, Kristina Martinez, a publications specialist in the Office of Community Relations in Northeast Independent School District, said that a group of students in AVID, a college preparatory program, dropped three items from the third balcony.

Martinez said the dropped items included a cup of coffee, pen and coins.

The Texas A&M-San Antonio student was hit with one of the items, she said.

She said the student was not hurt but an incident report was taken. Eisenhower students were disciplined and instructed on school policies and code of conduct.

Requests for tours are handled by Sylvia Medel, assistant director of enrollment services. Medel was not available for comment.

“[The tours] are something we love to do,” Reyna said, explaining that the University encourages middle school students to start thinking about college even before they’ve started high school.

“But, with young visitors comes horse play,” she added.

Reyna said the incident will not harm their relationship with NEISD, adding the University will maintain their efforts in community outreach and continue to work with the district.

About the Author

Joseph Camacho
Joseph Camacho is the Multimedia Editor for The Mesquite. Previously, he served as the Mesquite’s Managing Editor and as a member of A&M-San Antonio’s Student Media Board. He has worked as a camera operator and student intern with and freelances as an audio/video engineer for local musicians and documentary filmmakers. He is a 2000 Southside High School graduate, attended Palo Alto College and served as a U.S. Marine. He is the father of two children, ages 3 and 7.

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