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Trunk or Treat: A safer alternative to trick or treating

Trunk or Treat: A safer alternative to trick or treating - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Students gather near a Hocus Pocus themed trunk at the Texas A&M University-San Antonio Trunk or Treat event on Oct. 25, 2019.

Students can participate in a costume contest, enjoy free treats and watch a movie at this year’s Trunk or Treat & Halloweentown movie screening event hosted by Transfer Student Engagement at Texas A&M University-San Antonio.  

The third annual event will begin at 6 p.m. Oct. 29, in Lot 1 in front of Esperanza Hall, followed by a showing of “Halloweentown” at 8 p.m. on the East Lawn in front of Patriots’ Casa. 

Juan Espinoza, assistant director of Transfer Student Engagement, said the movie was a recommendation from his daughter and that she also helped with the movie selection the past two years. 

Students are welcome to invite family and friends to join in this year’s event. The first 400 people to arrive at the Trunk or Treat event will receive hot dogs and chips. 

Over 30 trunks will be set up in Lot 1 in which students can collect treats from multiple organizations. 

Hosting trunks this year will be the Student Government Association, Tau Sigma and Student Involvement. 

Espinoza has put an emphasis on safety for this year’s Trunk or Treat event. 

Espinoza says he wants to provide “a safer trick or treating environment” for students and their families. 

While providing a safe environment for students to have fun is important, Espinoza says getting students to engage in their community is even more so. 

“That’s just the name of the game, engagement,” Espinoza said. 

Espinoza has been in charge of hosting Trunk or Treat for the past three years. Although the event is fun, Espinoza said it is also a way for the community surrounding  A&M-San Antonio to engage on campus. 

“Even to this day… people say ‘I didn’t know there was a school over there,’” Espinoza said. 

Espinoza wants there to be a bridge between A&M-San Antonio and its surrounding community.

“If it serves more people and reaches more people then we’re doing something right,” Espinoza said. 

Students can RSVP for this year’s Trunk or Treat event here.

For more information about this event, contact Espinoza at

Victoria Perez contributed to this story.

About the Author

Victoria Simmons
Staff Writer
Victoria Simmons is a communication junior at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. She transferred from Northwest Vista College to A&M-San Antonio in fall of 2021. She works as a cashier at her local H-E-B plus. In her spare time she enjoys listening to music while taking long walks. Upon graduating, she hopes to pursue a career in the arts as a creative director or photojournalist.

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