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Vice Provost leaves A&M-San Antonio for College Station

Vice Provost leaves A&M-San Antonio for College Station - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Photo courtesy of Texas A&M University San Antonio's Office of the Provost.

Dr. Vijay Golla, vice provost for research and health sciences, will leave Texas A&M University-San Antonio on March 14 to pursue a new role with the School of Public Health at Texas A&M University in College Station. 

The Office of the Provost emailed all staff Feb. 4 to inform them of Golla’s upcoming departure.

“I would like to share that Dr. Vijay Golla, Vice Provost for Research and Health Sciences, will leave A&M-San Antonio to pursue a new opportunity at Texas A&M University School of Public Health.

His last day will be March 14, 2025, after which he will begin his new role,” wrote Dr. Mohamed Abdelrahman, provost and vice president of academic affairs, in a staff-wide email. “Please join me in thanking Dr. Golla for his service and wishing him success in his new role.”

In his new position, Golla will be an associate professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health according to Rae Lynn Mitchell, Executive Director of Communication for Texas A&M University School of Public Health.

Golla is credited with leading the university in health science and research initiatives in addition to strengthening the school’s graduate program. 

Golla joined A&M-San Antonio August 2019 as the inaugural chief research officer and research compliance officer. In January 2023 Golla became Vice Provost of research and health sciences. 

When contacted by The Mesquite, Golla and the Office of the Provost declined to comment further on his time with the university and his new role.

The staff-wide email explains that while A&M-San Antonio searches for a new Vice Provost of  Research and Health Sciences, an interim leadership structure will be implemented to maintain continuity throughout the transition. 

About the Author

Parker Foreman
Parker Foreman is a communications junior at Texas A&M University-San Antonio minoring in Legal Studies. He transferred from Austin Community College in the spring of 2023. In addition to being a full-time student, he also works as a martial arts instructor at JK Taekwondo Academy in San Antonio Texas. Upon graduating, he hopes to go to law school to pursue a career in criminal defense.

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