The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

JagFit amps up with new workout classes

JagFit amps up with new workout classes - The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

File Photo: Biology sophomore Ramon Vara-Shanholtz and Instructor Teresa De La Torre bicycle kick on July 1 at the Strong by Zumba class. The Recreational Sports Department is hosting fitness classes during the summer semester. Photo by Victoria Martinez

“Street Conditioning” and AMPD Burn are two of several new JagFit classes this semester. The classes will be held virtually and will run through the end of April.


Jaguars to feel the burn with new fitness classes

By Miranda Rodriguez

The Department of Recreational Sports is hosting APMD Burn fitness classes from noon to 12:30 p.m. every Monday and Wednesday on Zoom.

Classes run until April 30. Students can register for the class through JagSync or the JagFit page.

Participants can improve their balance and mobility while building strong legs and core with AMPD Burn, said instructor Teresa de la Torre.

AMPD Burn combines ballet-infused movements with elements of strength training. The full-body workout is low impact and accessible to all fitness levels.

The goal of AMPD Burn is to provide a quick, fun and convenient workout for students and staff.

“We are trying to give staff and students a way to be fit and still feel comfortable in their own homes considering what is happening right now in the world,” de la Torre said.

Participants will need a fitness mat for floor exercises. Resistance bands and weights are optional.

For more information about AMPD Burn, contact de la Torre at


Break a sweat with strength, conditioning classes

By Raquel Salazar-Garza

Strength and conditioning classes, which are listed as “Street Conditioning” on JagSync and JagFit’s webpage, will be held virtually 2 to 2:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays through April for students, faculty and staff.

This is a full-body low to moderate conditioning class. “Street Conditioning” is part of several new classes offered this semester.

Texas A&M University-San Antonio fitness instructor Xavier A. Vara will teach the classes. Vara recommends using a mat, weighted bar, dumbbells or other items that participants might have to optimize their workout.

“It’s necessary if you’re going to attend the class because you need that resistance when doing your workout routine,” Vara said.

Vara also mentioned possibly having classes outdoors if approved. As of now, the classes don’t have a set limit of people attending but this would change if classes are held outdoors. Jaguar Recreational Sports will announce on JagSync if it makes any changes.

To join the class or for more information, visit JagSync and JagFit’s webpage

About the Authors

Miranda Rodriguez
Miranda Rodriguez is a post-baccalaureate communication major at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. She received a bachelor’s in psychology from the University of Texas at San Antonio in 2018. In her spare time, she enjoys going to comic cons, attending concerts and watching films. After she graduates, Miranda wants to explore a career in journalism.
Raquel Salazar-Garza
Raquel Salazar-Garza is a communications major at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. She works as a digital marketing expert in addition to being a full-time student. In her spare time, she enjoys going to local spots with her dog Reagan. After she graduates, Raquel hopes to pursue a career in social media or public relations.

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