The Mesquite Online News - Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Where was A&M-San Antonio at the MLK Jr. March?

By Mesquite Editorial Board

More than 100,000 people attended Monday’s City of San Antonio Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative March. Conspicuously absent from the universities and community colleges marching down Martin Luther King Drive was Texas A&M-University San Antonio.

There was at least one student group present. For the last several years the university’s Psychology Club has made a valiant effort to attend important community events. We should commend the Psychology Club for representing the university and being one of the most active and communicative groups on campus.

Also spotted was Marilu Reyna, associate vice president for university communications. Maybe you were there, too. Our point is, we were not there together. Not by the dozens holding university signs and letting the community know that, although new, we are an institution that cares about MLK.

We should feel regret that the university missed out on an incredibly important opportunity to join thousands of residents and students in commemorating Dr. King. If we can gather the energy to attend the Fiesta parade, then why not one of the city’s most important civic and community-oriented marches?

Trinity University participates annually in the MLK march. The Trinitonian may have boosted involvement Jan 13. by publicizing the university’s involvement.

Alamo Colleges was also there. The Ranger reported Jan. 12 that Susan Espinoza, director of college and grants developments, invited faculty, staff and students to join President Robert Zeigler Monday in honoring one of the nation’s most revered civil rights leaders, at the 25th anniversary celebration of the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day March.

Students from OLLU were visible beneath their hand-written signs. And there were Roadrunners from UTSA, too….dozens of them.

So, where were the jaguars? Limping sadly behind when it comes to making important civic choices.

As the student newspaper, we vow to do better next year to organize greater interest and participation in the 26th MLK Jr. March. Let’s all vow to do better next year by coordinating with the Offices of the President and Student Engagement and Success. Let’s gather 100 people and let’s march together through the East Side, like real Jaguars.

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